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Import Wizard Example 3

Import Example 1: Multiple Lines Per Record
Import Example 2: Multiple Headers
Import Example 3: Address List
Import Example 4: Delimited Web Server Log File

Import Example 3: Address List

This example shows an import problem where each record can have a varity of fields. In this particular case a record always has the Name and Address fields, but the Fax, Email, Contact fields are not present in each record. Import Wizard is able to make to correct table for you.

File For Import
Name:     Jan Vandam
Address:  123 Somewhere Str
          AnyTown, AL 12345
Tel:      123-456-7890
Fax:      747-868-2938
Contact:  Pete Caliber
Name:     Roland Rolse
Address:  456 Elsewher Ave
          ThisTown JX1 TH8
Tel:      +44-171-456-7890
Fax:      +44-171868-2938
Name:     Rick Rikkel
Address:  1 St. Michael Str
          Nowhere, XX 99999
Tel:      222-333-4444
Contact:  Bill Doe

Table Imported with Import Wizard
Name Address1 Address2 Address3 Phone Fax Email Contact
Jan Vandam 123 Somewhere Str AnyTown, AL 12345 USA 123-456-7890 747-868-2938 Pete Caliber
Roland Rolse 456 Elsewher Ave ThisTown JX1 TH8 UK +44-171-456-7890 +44-171868-2938

Rick Rikkel 1 St. Michael Str Nowhere, XX 99999 USA 222-333-4444 Bill Doe

Example 1 2 3 4
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